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Online store web design

Just need something simple to sell products online?
  • Sell your products for a one-off fee
  • Accept online payments securely via your site
  • List unlimited number of products and categories
Ecommerce online store
Nerdy Ape Ecommerce

Online store website designers

Our Ecommerce websites are fully responsive, feature-rich and give you a solid foundation to build upon. Below you’ll find the pages and features we include with our Ecommerce sites.

Web design Home Page

Home page

Every website needs a home page, it’s the first page visitors land on when they visit your domain name.

Products & Services

Product pages

This is where you provide your product detail, including the price and an add to cart button.


Category pages

These pages list the individual products available for purchase, usually displaying an image and price.

Online store shopping cart

Shopping cart

This is the page that allows users to see a summary of the products they have added to their basket.

Online store check out page

Checkout page

This is the page where your users enter their personal details and pay for their products.

Online store confirmation page

Confirmation page

This is the page you display after your clients have successfully paid for their products.

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

This is where you tell website users how you will process their personal data and comply with GDPR.


Terms & conditions

This is where you tell customers about the terms and conditions relating to the sale of your products.

Online Store features to include…

Product variables

Product variables

Offer product variations (e.g. size, colour etc) with control over prices, stock, image, and more.

Online store Stock management

Stock management

Keep track of stock levels, notifications via email, hide out-of-stock items and more.

Shipping costs

Shipping costs

Offer free shipping, a flat rate, international pricing, or local delivery & pickup.

Payment options

Payment options

Accept Paypal, credit / debit card payments, Apple Pay and bank transfer via your store.

store Product reviews

Product reviews

Enable or disable the ability for people to leave product reviews on products in your store.

Discount codes

Discount codes

Choose from fixed value or percentage off coupons. Set a date a coupon should expire.

Get a quote for your Online Store web design solution

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