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Technical SEO

We’ll make sure your site is technically sound so that Google can crawl and index your content.
Technical SEO
Nerdy Ape SEO

Ensure Google can crawl and index your website

It doesn’t matter how great your website content is, or how many links you earn from other reputable and relevant websites, if your site can’t be indexed by Google you have zero chance of showing up in their search engine results pages (SERPS).

Sitemap Technical SEO


We’ll create an XML sitemap that tells Google what pages and posts you have on your website.

Technical SEO web-crawler


We’ll make sure Googlebot is able to access your robots.txt file and crawl and index your content.

Fast & reliable


We’ll make sure your site runs super quick providing a fantastic user experience for your visitors.

Mobile friendly


We’ll make sure your website works well on mobiles and passes Google’s mobile friendly test.



We’ll make sure your site runs over a secure connection and keeps your visitors details safe.

URL structure

Structured data

We’ll make your website content stand out on Google using rich snippets and data markup.

Get a quote for our Technical SEO service

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