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Keyword optimization

We’ll make sure your website is optimised for the keywords your target market search for.
SEO Keyword optimization
Nerdy Ape SEO

How we can help your website rank higher on Google

Once we’ve established your target keywords we’ll go to work including them in the right places on your website. This helps Google to see you are relevant to searchers queries and increases your chances of being found.

Page titles

Page titles

We’ll create keyword optimized page titles that encourage visitors to click through from Google.

Page metatags

Meta descriptions

We can create enticing meta descriptions that increase your click through rate from Google.

Descriptive URL’s

Descriptive URL’s

We’ll create descriptive and optimized URL’s to help improve your ranking on Google.

Header tags

Header tags

We’ll strategically include your target and related keywords within the header text.

Body text Keyword optimization

Body text

We’ll strategically include your target and related keywords within the body text.

Image Keyword optimization

Image files

We’ll include target and related keywords within the image file names and alt tags.

Get a quote for our Keyword optimization service

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