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SEO & Google ranking specialists

  • Ethical search engine optimization techniques
  • Positive results usually achieved within 3 months
  • Join more than 600 happy SEO customers
SEO agency Malaysia

Malaysia based SEO services

SEO is the process of improving a website’s ranking in the organic listings of the major search engines for a set of keywords.
Website Audit SEO

Website audit

We’ll audit your website to identify SEO issues and find areas in which we can optimise and improve.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO

We’ll make sure your site is technically sound so that Google can crawl and index your content.

Keyword research

Keyword research

We’ll establish what your target market search for when looking for your products or services.

SEO Keyword optimization

Keyword optimization

We’ll make sure your website is optimised for the keywords your target market search for.

SEO Copywriting service


We’ll help you to create the content your visitors are looking for when they land on your site.

SEO Link Building service

Link building

We’ll help improve your website’s popularity and authority with Google by earning external links.

Nerdy Ape SEO

Key SEO stats

An overview of why having a good SEO strategy is crucial for your website and business

online experiences


68% of online experiences begin with a search engine.

Google searchers


0.78% of Google searchers click on results from the 2nd page.

website traffic


53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search.

Google search,


92.96% of global traffic comes from Google search, Google Images, and Google Maps.

global traffic SEO


SEO drives 1000%+ more traffic than organic social media.

search queries


69.7% of search queries contain four words or more.

What’s included in our SEO packages?

Keyword tracking

Keyword tracking

Our SEO software will track your keywords and the position you rank for them.

Traffic reporting

Traffic reporting

Our SEO software will track the traffic you receive from search engines like Google and Bing.

Conversion reporting

Conversion reporting

We can track conversions from search engine traffic using the Google Analytics’ goals feature.

External links

Link reporting

We will provide a monthly report showing the links we have earned for your website.

Error monitoring

Error monitoring

We’ll monitor your Google Search Console account for any errors that may affect your performance on Google.

Website audit Load speed

Speed monitoring

We’ll monitor your PageSpeed Insights score to ensure you arent falling foul of Google’s page experience update.

Frequently asked SEO questions

SEO is an acronym which stands for search engine optimization.

The aim of SEO is to improve your organic (non-paid) ranking on search engines like Google.

By improving your ranking you can generate more targeted website traffic, which may lead to more sales and enquiries.

The time it takes to improve your ranking on Google depends on a number of factors.

  • Google algorithm updates
  • How competitive your keywords are
  • What your competitors are doing with their SEO
  • The techniques you are using as part of your SEO strategy

You can’t control Google’s updates, or what your competitors do, which is why it is almost impossible to provide a definitive answer to this question.

Some websites can achieve higher rankings in a matter of days, others can take more than a year.

On page SEO refers to the elements you optimize on individual pages on the website itself.

This includes:

  • Page titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Descriptive URL’s
  • Header tags
  • Body text
  • Image files

Off page SEO refers to the elements you can optimize away from the website.

This usually refers to building links, but can also include:

  • Social media
  • Brand awareness
  • Public relations
  • Reviews

The cost to rank your website higher on Google depends on a number of things:

  • How much work is required (see question about how long SEO can take)
  • How much your SEO company charges for their time

SEO is a continuous process, it isn’t a fire and forget strategy.

Earning links and building your domain authority can’t be done in one go, this needs to be a consistent process for Google to trust your website.

Some on page SEO may only need to be done once, but it’s important to make sure you keep an eye out for Google algorithm changes in case you are required to changes anything on your site.

The quick answer to this is: keyword research.

There are a range of tools you can use to establish what your ideal client is searching for online.

Here are a few you can try:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Moz
  • SEMrush
  • Ahrefs

Google has a reported 200+ factors that decide where your website ranks.

They don’t provide a list of these factors, or their relative importance, so it is almost impossible to answer this question.

There are plenty of reputable blogs out there covering the in-depth subject of SEO.

We’ve listed a few of our favorites below:

  • The Moz Blog
  • Neil Patel
  • Search Engine Land
  • Search Engine Journal
  • Search Engine Roundtable
  • SEMrush Blog
  • Yoast
  • Search Engine Watch
  • Searchmetrics
  • Backlinko
  • Ahrefs

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