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Web design specialist

Just need something simple to tell people what you do?
  • Basic websites for small businesses
  • Works perfectly on all mobile devices
  • SEO friendly, helping you get found on Google
Brochure website design
Nerdy Ape website design

Web design company in KL, Malaysia

Our web design service are built on WordPress, so are fully responsive, feature-rich and give you a solid foundation to build upon. You’ll be hard pushed to find better value anywhere else in Malaysia. Below you’ll find the pages and features we include with our standard sites.

Web design Home Page

Home Page

Every website needs a home page, it’s the first page visitors land on when they visit your domain name.

Web design About Page

About Page

Your about page is where you tell visitors more about your company and what you stand for.

Products & Services

Products & Services

You should have a page for each product or service, highlighting the features and benefits.



Visitors may have questions, a frequently asked questions page can help them find the answers.

Web design Portfolio


Visitors may want to see examples of your work, a portfolio page is where you would showcase them.



Visitors may want to see reviews from customers, a testimonial page is where you would show them.



Your blog is an opportunity to help your visitors. Give them free tips on a subject they need help with.



This is where you tell visitors how to contact you. Include a form and map to show your location.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This is where you tell website users how you will process their personal data and comply with privacy laws.

Standard web design features to include…

Web design Content Editor

Content Editor

Contact Forms

Contact Forms

Google Maps

Google Maps

Newsletter Forms

Newsletter Forms

Image Slideshows

Image Slideshows

Web design Image Galleries

Image Galleries

Video Galleries

Video Galleries

Social Media

Social Media

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