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Website audit

We’ll audit your website to identify SEO issues and find areas in which we can optimise and improve.
Website Audit SEO
Nerdy Ape SEO

Find out your SEO score with a website audit

The first essential step for a successful SEO campaign is to carry out a website audit. This will give you a snapshot of where your site is currently, helping you to monitor performance, and also identifies any potential issues that need fixing before getting started.

Website audit Keyword rankings

Keyword rankings

We’ll tell you where you rank for your target keyword on all the major search engines.

Website audit Load speed

Load speed

We’ll tell you how fast (or slow) your website is, and techniques you can use to speed it up.

URL structure

URL structure

We’ll tell you how SEO friendly your URL structure is, and ways in which you can improve.

Page metatags

Page metatags

We’ll tell you whether your page titles and descriptions are optimized for your target keywords.

Image Keyword optimization

Image optimization

We’ll tell you whether your image descriptions and alt tags are optimized for your keywords.

Header tags

Header tags

We’ll tell you whether you have header tags that are optimized for your target keywords.

Website copy Website audit

Website copy

We’ll tell you how much copy you have and whether it is optimized for your target keywords.

Mobile friendly

Mobile friendly

We’ll tell you if your site is optimized for mobile and passes Google’s mobile friendly test.

External links

External links

We’ll tell you how many external links are pointing at your website, and how you can earn more.

Get a quote for our Website Audit service

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