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Facebook Ads Management

Increase ROI and scale your growth with our Facebook ads management for Malaysian business

Facebook Ads Management
Nerdy Ape digital marketing

Common Issues With Running Your Own Facebook Ads.

Wrong Target Audience

Wrong Target Audience

80 % of content marketing is targeted at a wrong target audience. You seem to get lot of facebook likes but none of them convert into sales.

Uncreative Ideas

Uncreative Ideas

You spend a lot of money on Facebook Ads but seems like no one is clicking on your post or links. You need creative ads to grab customers attention.

technical knowledge

Lack Technical Knowledge

Facebook offers a wide variety of tools at your disposal. However lack of technical knowledge and strategy may cause you to incur high advertising cost.

Over Spending & Waste Time

Over Spending & Waste Time

Running Facebook Ads requires constant monitoring, analysing, reviewing and optimising. This can prove to be costly and time consuming if not done right.

Why Chose Us?

Our team of experienced Facebook Ad Management Specialists work across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and the Audience Network to find your target audience and show them killer creative to deliver the growth you know your business is capable of. Find out how we can boost your business with Facebook Ads digital marketing services

Facebook Ads audience targeting

Accurate audience targeting

Facebook Ads

Experienced Facebook marketers

Multiple language

Multiple language post

Creative content writing

Creative content writing

Ticket design

Professional visual design

Ad optimization and analysis

Ad optimization and analysis

Monitor Facebook Ads performance

Monitor Ads performance

Facebook Ads Management Remarketing


Reduce Cost & Save Time

Reduce Cost & Save Time

Get a quote for our Facebook Ads Management service

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